If you ever find yourself out of the school system…give me a shout! 😌 It’s kind of my passion to help parents and encourage them when they’re on the fence. I’m always here! 🖤

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Thanks! I will definitely hit you up if we go the homeschool route. Both my sister-in-laws homeschool all my nieces and nephews, but none of them are in my state!! Not that I won’t still tap them for resources and ideas etc if that’s the road we take.

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Absolutely! You can pick me brain too. xx

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I think being “attentive and available” is key. And also, kudos to you for spending so much time reading and reflecting for the sake of your own AND other children. The Reading Wars is confusing--and you’re right, I feel like we sometimes lose sight of the children (or as you put it- ugly stomp on them) in an effort to prove we’re correct one way or another. Thanks for your post!

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Thanks for your engagement with my newsletter! The reading wars are confusing and also fascinating. As a person who loves reading, I’d love for all kids to have opportunities and confidence to become good readers if they want to, you know?

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Don't assume your kid will learn to read at school - that's so tough to hear, but true! (Espeically if your kid struggles or is frequently absent). I get these kids as high school students, and a staggering number of 10th and 12th grade students struggle to read at great level. It makes everything harder.

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😑 my Hubs is a HS English teacher so he knows how far behind these kids are and yet we just keep pushing them through because you can’t not…but the system is failing them and it’s just…heartbreaking.

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Thanks for the shoutout. OOF. A hard truth right there. Definitely do NOT assume your kid is going to learn to read at school. We're practicing phonetic awareness when we can and I think making some progress. How cute is Gwendolyn's Pet Garden?! I'm adding that one to my gardening book list.

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It’s a miserable truth and one I’m still wrestling with every day. I want so badly to shift this but it feels like such a beast! Gwendolyn’s garden is adorable! Reminds me to go check on your garden newsletters!

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