Jun 21Liked by Alexis Davis

I’ve been trying to decide which Roald Dahl to start with, and I’m excited for the BFG when it feels like time!

My almost 4yo LOVES Peter Brown’s THE WILD ROBOT series. Illustrated novels are definitely a good bridge. Like Grace said above, I don’t want to rush time, but adding longer books into our reading routines has really been special for us, too. Long live picture books AND novels 💛

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Also I’ve heard so many great things about The Wild Robot!! Must check out STAT

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Right? Picture books don’t get the boot when chapter books come into play! We love a balance of both.

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Jun 21Liked by Alexis Davis

I taught 4th and 2nd grade and loooved reading aloud chapter books to my kiddos. My oldest is currently 3 so I don’t think we are quite ready for bedtime chapter books yet beyond Mercy Watson, and I don’t want to rush time but I’m also so excited to share all my favorites with my own kids. The BFG was one I loved to read, but my favorites were Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler. Sounds like you guys have a fun routine at your house!

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Also, do you think those books would be appropriate for a 5&3 yo?

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Jun 21Liked by Alexis Davis

I think Mixed Up Files should be one for later—closer to 4th grade maybe, and maybe wait another year or two for Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I think it’s hilarious and can’t read it without laughing out loud, but some not nice words like “dumb” and “stupid.” Also one chapter I had to keep a sticky note on as a reminder to censor—it’s mentions junkies and getting mugged in Central Park 😳 but not critical to the plot so just TURN the page! But reminds me of another reason I enjoyed reading it apart from the hilarity of it—loved sharing with my kids what it’s like to live in NYC in an apartment, etc, rather than in our more suburban setting.

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Jun 21Liked by Alexis Davis

Magic Treehouse could be fun ones for you to share with them right now too! Magic Bone is a cute series about a time traveling dog (not too different from Wishbone honestly!) that could be worth trying.

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Oh Wishbone, will I ever not be able to fully sing that theme song? It’s deeply engrained. Thanks for the feedback!

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Oh yay! I’m always looking for new chapter book recommendations to add to my list because other then the ones I read as a child I haven’t dabbled too much into the many many options out there. And there are so many! I’ll add these favs to my list!! Aren’t the Mercy Watson books so great?! Those are hard for my family to not just fly through in one sitting though.

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Love the idea of starting chapter books young. Have you seen the Roald Dahl Revolting Recipes cookbook? It was a family favourite growing up and my nephews love it today (Quentin Blake's illustrations are wonderful).

If you're looking for a reading light I've been using this for a while when camping/travelling and I like it (it's rechargeable): https://www.amazon.com/Glocusent-Rechargeable-Portable-Brightness-Dimmable/dp/B09PR1BTM7/ref=zg_bs_g_1063290_d_sccl_3/142-9959479-2033754?th=1

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Oooo! I haven’t but I’ve always loved his revolting rhymes so I’ll have to look that up! Thanks for the book light recommendation! Always good to get the gear.

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You make me want to pick up the book and start reading. I love your writing style and think you review was perfect. Enjoy the heck out of the PNW!

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Thank you!!! It was such a delight to reread the BFG.

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