Oh my, I think I’ve started and stopped writing this comment at least 10x and most of it was just profanity. This topic really riles me up and gets me going. Just WTF.

And if you think you’re going to take Everywhere Babies away from my baby (and all the others babies who deserve this darling book), you’ve got another thing coming.

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Girl! Soapbox, I would be thrilled. I had to skim the surface because otherwise I was getting so tangled up in all my feelings and how to express them. I wanted to try to keep it simple information and simple call to action but also....I want to just...cry in a corner. Preferably in a dark corner in a library stocked with all the best books. Also, I just read All Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng and its topical and will ... just wow. Recommend.

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I have such a response but honestly feel exhausted just thinking about typing it all out. I serve on the board of a statewide library organization as well as on the board of my local public library, and we receive nearly constant training about how to deal with being approached about banning books. (My biggest challenge isn't remembering my well-reasoned arguments/script, but remaining calm.) When I get really, really depressed about it, I try to focus on all the people doing the hard work of fighting back -- everyone at the ALA, librarians and educators, parents and caregivers, concerned citizens, all over the country. If they're not giving up, I'm not either.

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11 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoAuthor

Look at you go! I can imagine it would be hard to keep your cool. The emotions are so so so real when it comes to thinking about this and the potential harm that is happening when we try to control who can read what. I love the idea on focusing on the tiny positive things you can do to be a part of the change for good and to fight for the freedom to read. KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!! XO I know I barely scraped the tip of the iceberg on this one.

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